Sunday 21 August 2016

Exam results and the future

It's been an amazing summer with 96% of our A level grades at A*-B and 66% A*-A - way above British student scores and shows exactly how CATS as an international school brings real value to our students. IB results were also excellent as were Foundation with our students now headed to Kings College, London, Cambridge, LSE and UCL. It's a great time for them all. 

It's also really important to remember unlike many schools, we are here all summer helping students. Some may be nervous as they haven't heard from
Universities, others are not used to having to be patient to wait for confirmations as we tend to act very fast on things at CATS. Many students just need reassurance, and we are all here to do this. Other students may have changed their minds about courses at the last moment, or did not get the grades they needed, and we are here to help with this too. Students are important and as a College we insist they are the most important part of everything we do. 

So let's take a moment to celebrate - some of our students scored 100% in their A level modules - some amazing achievements. 

But whatever your results, wherever you are all over the world, one thing you can be certain of is that we will stand with you all the way.