Saturday 27 September 2014

Awards and Activities

Well, it's been an amazing start to the year at CATS Canterbury. We were presented with a crystal trophy for excellence in IB results and our students not only won the engineering contest working with the team from the fastest car in the world, but also won best logo and best branding strategy at the Young Dragons contest at BAE systems. It's amazing how proud our young people can make us become of them! All of them have taken part in Business Challenge Activities at the college and been interviewed one to one by a local Business leader and over 80 of them signed up for our Leadership Training Day.

There are over 100 different activities on offer at the College and students are busy signing up and really getting involved! Our IB students have been on a residential camp to get to know each other and activities and meetings have been happening in all our Houses with House Parents and Senior Tutors supporting them all.

For so many young people so far from home it is really amazing. Only at the college for two weeks and they are already in the thick of it and having a great time. It can be a worrying time for parents, but if you could see them all here now you would be a proud as I am of them all. They do all of us much credit and reflect so well on all the different nations they come from.